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Nick Cave Tribute

een tribute aan de enige, echte Nick Cave

Wie de naam Nick Cave hoort denkt aan The Bad Seeds, aan de Netflix hitserie Peaky Blinders met zijn intro-song Red Right Hand, aan zijn zoon die op 15-jarige leeftijd om het leven kwam of aan songs als Into My Arms. En, misschien met gemengde...

added wo03aug

DDW Music, 22 – 30 October

Following a successful first edition in 2015 Altstadt Eindhoven is pleased to colaborate again with Dutch Design Week, Effenaar and Friendly Fire who present an expanded DDW Music programme this October. From 22-30 October, Eindhoven will host not only thousands of designers but also over...

added wo03aug

DDW Music, 22 – 30 October

Following a successful first edition in 2015 Altstadt Eindhoven is pleased to colaborate again with Dutch Design Week, Effenaar and Friendly Fire who present an expanded DDW Music programme this October. From 22-30 October, Eindhoven will host not only thousands of designers but also over...